So welcome dear vacations and make yourself home, I've been waiting and I wont waste you, I'll make the waiting worth it, I'll enjoy doing all I love. "No one is telling me the speed i should be travelling, so watch me take the lead." ...
HAMILTON HOMES, a residential, commercial and recreational estate that harmonizes quiet country living with the city-like comforts and convenience... LIPAT AGAD no no no no no DOWNPAYMENT 2 BEDROOMS 2 TOILETTE AND BATH AS LOW AS 20K ...
Nos. (63-38) 411- 4029, 235-4365. Fax No. (63-38) 411-4028. It is also affordable, clean and nice. ranges start at PHP 700/ per room with airconditioner, TV, small refrigerator and with private bathroom. Good for 2-4 persons (additional ...